[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Cyprus League Against Rheumatism” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_empty_space][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/4″][vc_single_image image=”39″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]Street: Onisilou 16 str. Flat 1, Aglantzia, 2121, P.O.Box: 24966
District: 1306, Nicosia
Country: Cyprus
Tel: 357 22428285
Fax: 357 22428288
Board members:
President name: mr. Kouloumas, Marios
Vice President : ms. Pitsillidou, Roulla
General Secretary: ms. Phoka Charalambous, Androulla
General Treasurer: ms. Charalambous, Despw
Deputy General: Makri, Souzi
Member: Panteli, Andreas
Member: Nicolaou, Nicos
Member: Christodoulou, Katerina
Member: Sofroniou, Athina
Member: Pizi Anastasiou, Maria
Member: Christou, Chrysw
Member: Theodorou, Stella
Member: Georgiadis, Pampos
Member: Giasoumi, Chryso
Member: Varda, Ava
Member: Kania, Niki
Member: Xatzihanna, Elena
Member: Sergidou, Niovi
Member: Zeitouni, Flori
Member: Charlampous, Panagiotis[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]
The fibromyalgia group of patients was formed in 2010 and since then it operates under the umbrella of The Cyprus League Against Rheumatism. The aim of the group is to provide Fibromyalgia patients in Cyprus with a stronger voice on a European level.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]
- To raise awareness about fibromyalgia and change cultural attitudes so as to enable patients to live an independent life as active members of the society.
- To offer advice to patients with the aim of helping them recognize their symptoms and assure their right to early diagnosis and the best possible treatment.
- To stimulate the education of staff , volunteers , patients and their families by organizing seminars ,meetings with doctors and other health professionals and by printing and distributing informative material .
- Represent Cypriot patients and fight for their rights before Government Bodies and social institutions.
[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_custom_heading text=”Achievements, Activities and Events:” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]
In 2010
Activity name |
Objectives |
Date |
Venue |
Meeting with Rheumatologist |
To talk about symptoms of fibromyalgia and answer questions that concern patients. |
2010 |
Nicosia Cyprus |
Meeting with Reflexologist. |
Presentation of reflexology as an alternative method of pain relief. |
2010 |
Limassol Cyprus |
Appearance of patients on various TV and radio programs |
Raise awareness. |
2010 |
Nicosia Cyprus |
In 2011
Activity name |
Objectives |
Date |
Venue |
Meeting with Rheumatologist |
To talk about symptoms of fibromyalgia and answer questions that concern patients. |
2011 |
Nicosia Cyprus |
Meeting with specialist Rheumatologist from Greece, author of a book on fibromyalgia |
Symptoms and treatment-A holistic approach. |
2011 |
Nicosia Cyprus |
Information material distributed by volunteers at hospitals and public areas. |
To raise awareness of public
and offer guidance on how to recognize possible symptoms |
2011 |
All major towns Cyprus |
‘Self awareness workshop’ |
To help patients manage their pain by alternative methods of treatment and offer psychosocial support. |
2011 |
Limassol Cyprus |
Appearance of patient on TV and radio programs discussion on how to manage Chronic pain and fatigue. |
Raise awareness. |
2011 |
Nicosia Cyprus |
Future activities
Activity name |
Objectives |
Date |
Venue |
Printing information leaflet. |
To distribute to public, patients, health professionals describing symptoms and giving advice for achieving early diagnosis and appropriate treatment. |
2012 |
All towns Cyprus |
Organizing an event with presentations by a patient a physician, a psychotherapist, a physiotherapist- presentation of alternative methods of treatments. |
A holistic approach to treatment |
May 12th 2012 |
Nicosia Cyprus |
Information material distributed by volunteers at hospitals and public areas. |
To raise awareness of public
And offer guidance on how to recognize possible symptoms. |
2012 |
All major towns Cyprus |
Appearance on TV and radio programs. |
Raise awareness. |
2012 |
Nicosia Cyprus |
Expectations from the Network
To Join forces with the rest of the members and work towards improving the quality of life of patients by ensuring early diagnosis and best treatment. To contribute to raising awareness among the public, health professionals and government bodies.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]